Get the answers you need to improve your HEALTH. You will see your blood through a microscope which will reflect the results onto a monitor. You will be able to see immediately what is happening in your body as the results are very specific and individualized. Just one prick of your finger and you will see the state of your health immediately.
Blood doesn't lie!
In Dynamic Blood Analysis you will be able to see changes over time in the state of your health. If you are working on bringing yourself back into balance Journey to Health can track your progress and you will be able to see tangible improvements being made from the changes you are making!
Be the healthiest you can be

Journey to Health will look at the results of your Dynamic Blood Analysis and give you a plan of action designed only for you and your individual needs to help you get to a healthier state and feeling better.
We are all unique in our nutritional needs. Journey to Health can help you change the direction of your health.
Journey to Health will answer all of these questions and any others you have about your lifestyle.
In Dynamic Blood Analysis we will be able to see changes over time in the state of your health. If you are working on bringing yourself back into balance Journey to Health can track your progress and you will be able to see tangible improvements being made from the changes you have made.
Some questions to ask yourself may be….
Do I drink enough water?
Am I eating right for my blood type?
Am I taking in enough protein?
Am I eating the right proteins?
Am I deficient in minerals?
Are my organs working properly?
What is my dominant gland?
Are the vitamins I’m taking right for me?
Do I need vitamins?
Am I getting enough sleep?
Can you help me feel better?
The time is NOW whether you suffer from chronic disease
or just feel that something is off!
Initial Consultation 1 ½ hrs
Blood and/or Health & Nutritional Counselling
Health & Nutritional Counselling Follow-ups (1 hour)
$150 + tax
$75/hr + tax
Blood Typing
$25 + tax